Saturday, September 12, 2009


Here I am, in a city 719 miles away from family and friends. Here I am, with a husband in law school and a rambunctious 2.5 year old who loves to jump, run, and exert energy. Here I am, a woman needing an outlet to express creativity and share her creations.

And so, I became Spokrafty.

I love reading all of the great craft ideas the internet has to offer. I love seeing all the things ladies are coming up with out there, to not only beautify their homes but share their talents. I can in no way guarantee beautiful work as amazing as others you might find, but I can guarantee something:

It'll be cheap.

With the hubs in law school, there's not many extra green backs floating around. What used to be a crafting hobby that consumed a few dollars here and there, has turned into a "let's see how much we can stretch what we already have" craft originality session.

The crafts I present to you are quick, fun, and good takeout.

So get Spokrafty in Spokompton, and grab a Diet Coke for me will ya?

1 comment:

carey said...

I am lovin this new blog, Melisa! SWEET! The clothes pins are just a fantastic idea. Look at you, Spokrafty (love it)!